Catholics for Renewal


Having a Say in Selecting Our Bishops
Report on results of an Online Survey 
Conducted by Catholics for Renewal
Friday 3 February 2017


Most Catholics have few, if any, opportunities to have their say on the current state of their local church and what they are looking for in a new leader for their diocese. Catholics for Renewal has provided this opportunity through an online survey. The questions were simple but sought open-ended replies to give people a chance to express themselves freely. Whilst this was complicated to analyse, it has yielded excellent and detailed feedback. Most respondents took the time and made the effort to spell out their hopes and concerns in depth. The responses showed an acute sense of the need for change, often spelling out in detail the changes they suggested were needed in specific areas. The responses addressed at length the qualities of the type of bishops they are looking for. Overall, these concerned Catholics showed widespread dissatisfaction with the current state of their local diocese and parishes. Their dissatisfaction referred to current governance arrangements, and the need for a stronger pastoral focus and more effective leadership from their bishop and his willingness to consult widely. The results of the survey indicate strong belief that many bishops do not recognise or understand the realities of 21st Century Catholics. The results also show the strong desire of concerned and informed Catholics to have a greater role in the selection of their bishop and the governance of their diocese and local parish. The feedback includes helpful suggestions on how this can be achieved.

The Summary, Full Report, and Other Diocese Attachment are available for download.  Image from Montana Roue